News — Earthing
Grounding Mats Vs. Grounding Bedsheets
Posted by LiLeah on

A big debate is going on over what is better, grounding sheets or grounding mats. Both are fine, and what I can share about each method is only based on my personal experience. Grounding throws, plush pads and bands each provide an experience different from sheets and mats, but your body weight is used to improve optimal conductivity, and sleeping with a band attached to you is onerous. This narrows the debate down to mats versus bedsheets. Whether you're on #TeamDurability or you're cheering for #TeamComfort, grounding is the most beneficial lifestyle choice ever, and you should tell all of...
- Tags: Earthing
Grounding or “Earthing” – What Is It, Why Do It & 5 Ways to Try It
Posted by LiLeah on

The term ‘grounding’ has been used in recent years more as a mental health strategy to calm anxiety, stress and pain. This practice is different from a more traditional use of the term, otherwise known as ‘earthing’ that relates to the electromagnetic exchange between the Earth and other objects, including humans! We realize that telling you to practice earthing and be one with the Earth likely sounds a bit “woo woo” but hang with us – let’s go over the science. Every single thing on the planet is made of atoms, meaning everything has some sort of net charge (remember...
- Tags: Earthing
Posted by LiLeah on

Electrical grounding (EG) may assist preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) as they overcome health and maturity challenges, research shows. In a first-ever study, the effects of EG on vagal tone in preterm infants in the NICU were evaluated. Previous research has proven that EG can improve the way the autonomic nervous system functions and strengthen the vagal tone in adults. This study wanted to find out how the EG technique would affect infants in the NICU. VAGAL TONE AND THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM The vagus nerve works as a part of the autonomic nervous system to...
- Tags: Earthing
Grounding Is a Key Mechanism by Which Your Body Maintains Health
Posted by LiLeah on

Have you ever noticed how good it feels to walk barefoot on a sandy beach, or in a forest? There is a reason for that—it’s called the grounding effect. The reason for this sense of well-being is due to the fact that you’re receiving a surge of potent healing electrons from the ground. The earth has a slightly negative charge, so when you stand barefoot on that sand, electrons from the earth flow into your body, giving you a virtual “transfusion” of healing power. The featured documentary, The Grounded 2, is a sequel to the film The Grounded, released in 2013. The sequel features...
- Tags: Earthing
Grounding: Rx for Massage Therapist Burnout
Posted by LiLeah on

Being on the receiving end of a massage can be thoroughly remedial, pain-relieving, relaxing, and even blissful. Thanks to the skill, energy, and passion of the massage therapist you typically come away feeling like a million bucks. But for purveyors of such relief — the therapists — it’s hard, hard work. Repeated treatments can generate overuse problems such as tendonitis and carpal tunnel, affecting the wrists, elbows, and shoulders, as well as problems with the hand and fingers. There’s fatigue as well from the draining exertion. Over time, the demanding nature of the work frequently contributes to burnout. A widely-quoted...
- Tags: Earthing