Scientific research on Earthing / Grounding

Posted by LiLeah on

After discovering the healing energy of the Earth, Clint Ober joined the Polish Drs. Pawel and Karol Sokal to establish scientific evidence.

Their research on the Earth has produced fascinating evidence of the Earth's ability to generate a positive effect on the electrical state of the human body. Their studies laid the foundation for subsequent studies that echoed the same result: that earthing allows the free circulation of Earth's electrons in our system, and that electrons are the source of the antioxidant neutralizing power.

Studies also indicate a reduction in pain and chronic inflammation in many patients with pain or chronic disease. Here are some highlights of the most important grounding research.


Earthing and blood viscosity

With respect to health benefits, it is known that earthing has a significant impact on blood viscosity.

For this study, experts Dr. Stephen Sinatra and James Oschman recruited three people with chronic inflammation-related pain. They measured the blood viscosity of the subjects with a method called zeta potential, which measures the speed with which red blood cells migrate into an electric field.

If you fail, your zeta potential increases rapidly, causing your red blood cells to develop more on their surface and distance themselves from each other. In turn, your blood viscosity improves. They used a darkfield microscope to capture their results (right).

The images on the left are before grounding, and those on the right are 45 minutes after earthing. The images show significant thinning and decoupling of blood cells.


Earthing and chronic knee pain

For the above case study, a 48-year-old woman with severe chronic bilateral knee pain (resulting from a 6-year injury) used a earthing patch for 30 minutes. The thermographic images above before and after the treatment show a drastic reduction in chronic inflammation. After initial exposure to grounding, the patient reported a 20% reduction in pain and after 12 weeks of regular earthing, she reported an incredible 90% reduction in pain.

Earthing and chronic foot and ankle pain

The 57-year-old patient in this case study suffered from chronic bilateral foot and ankle pain. After 2 nights of sleep on land, he reported a pain reduction of more than 80%. After 4 weeks, the patient said that his pain had disappeared with only occasional stiffness. The images before (left) and after (right) above show a marked improvement in circulation and a decrease in inflammation. Note that his toes are not initially visible due to poor circulation and ambient temperature levels.


Earthing and chronic back pain

The upper images are from a case study of a 44-year-old woman with chronic central back pain. After 4 nights of sleep on land, she reported a 30% reduction in pain and after 8 weeks, the pain was completely resolved. The lower images are of an 85-year-old male suffering from chronic low back pain and recurrent shoulder pain. After 2 nights of sleep, he reported a 50% reduction in pain and after 4 weeks, he reported pain resolution and improved sleep


Earthing and chronic hand pain

For this case study, a 49-year-old woman suffering from insomnia and chronic pain slept on grounded bed sheets for 4 consecutive nights. The arrows in the upper thermographic images (before) indicate areas of poor circulation, and the lower images (after) show the return of correct circulation and decrease in inflammation. The patient reported a drastic reduction in pain and an improvement in sleep, with constant and continuous improvement after follow-up.


Here is a list of studies on Earthing / Grounding that have been published in medical journals. To download in PDF format, right-click on the link and select "Save link as".

  1. Thermography Case Studies
  2. Earth connection: Implications of the human body's reconnection to the Earth's surface electrons
  3. Earth connection of the human body to neutralize bioelectrical stress from static electricity and electromagnetic fields
  4. Emotional stress, heart rate variability, Earthing / Grounding and improved autonomic tone: clinical applications
  5. The effectiveness of the earthing patch and the conductive bed sheet in reducing human body tension.
  6. Pilot study on the effect of Earthing / Grounding on muscle pain
  7. The human body's ground connection reduces inflammation and chronic pain
  8. The effect of the connection to earth / Grounding on human physiology
  9. The effect of earth connection on human physiology Part 2: Electrodermal measurements
  10. The human body's earth connection reduces blood viscosity - a major factor in cardiovascular disease (Earthing / Grounding)
  11. Chronic disease: Are we missing something?(Earthing / Grounding)
  12. Changes in pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygenation, infusion index, skin conductance and induced variability during and after grounding of human subjects for 40 minutes
  13. The biological effects of the connection to earth on the human body during sleep, as measured by cortisol levels and subjective declaration of sleep, pain and stress (Earthing / Grounding)
  14. The effect of grounding on massage therapists (Earthing / Grounding)
  15. Initial Earthing experiment by Clint Ober
  16. Ground connection improves facial blood flow regulation
  17. The connection to the earth during yoga practice reduces the viscosity of the blood (Earthing / Grounding)
  18. One hour of connection to the earth reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation (Earthing / Grounding)


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